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How To Vacuum Under Bed: How to Get Rid of Your Under-Bed Nook and Crannies  

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Written By Jonathan Adams

With a vacuum, we can clean the bare areas of the floors easily. But is it possible to vacuum uncharted under-furniture areas like under the beds? The space underneath our beds often remains unclean and turns into the sanctuary for all those carton boxes, tools, lost socks, and toys. Due to negligence, under-the-bed areas may turn into habitats for accumulated dust bunnies and insects. Traditionally, we go through manual strenuous cleaning to get rid of dust, grunge and other pesky particles. Instead, it’s possible to clean floor surfaces and under-bed areas with a reliable vacuum cleaner easily! In this post, we’ll share easy-to-follow steps on vacuuming under beds and answer some of the frequently asked questions. So, get your dust suction gear ready to wipe out all the nooks and crannies of your under-bed floor surfaces.  

How To Vacuum Under Bed: Step-By-Step Process  

Step 1: Remove Larger Objects Under the Bed   

The area under the bed is one of the busiest spaces of the house where we often store boxes, lost trinkets, toys, and similar tiny items and intentionally hide necessary items from kids. So, while vacuuming, you must remove all these things, as well as carpets, from the under-bed realm. Store them elsewhere for a while, at least until you finish vacuuming.  

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Step 2: Ensure Adequate Space Around the Bed  

The vacuum should have adequate space around it to provide optimal performance while cleaning such hard-to-reach under-bed areas. Don’t keep the removed boxes and other items near the bed. Place them somewhere else so that those items do not hinder the vacuuming process.  

Step 3: Choose a Suitable Vacuum   

Choose a vacuum with low-profile designs to access under-furniture areas. Besides, you can attach vacuum extensions like a hose to access beneath the bed. If budget is not the issue, a good quality mop and clean robot vacuum can be a top-tier solution for cleaning the under-bed areas.  

Step 4: Gently Operate the Vac  

At first, vacuum all the fine dirt and debris under the bed. Gently move the vacuum cleaner back and forth below the bed. If the cleaner can vacuum and mop simultaneously, then operate it with mopping settings after removing all the fine dust and debris.   

Note: Many of us use lower beds or flooring. In such cases, accessing the under-bed area may not be possible. That’s why we recommend removing the bed entirely before vacuuming under beds.  

How To Robot Vacuum Under Bed

How Often You Should Vacuum Under the Bed?   

The more, the better! Unlike other visible surfaces in the house, we usually don’t clean under-furniture areas too often, especially below the bed surface. According to our experts, if you have a high-traffic house, you should vacuum under-bed spaces at least once a week.   

Should You Vacuum Under a Bed Regularly and Why?  

Since it’s under-bed surface, we often tend to ignore such areas due to laziness. As a result, dust, insects, and other micro-particles take up this opportunity and make it their home. Such accumulation of dust may trigger asthma and lead to unhealthy living space over time. Even if you neglect cleaning under the bed areas periodically, like at least once a month, you may have to struggle later while cleaning out older and stubborn dirt.   

Regardless of the traffic of your home, it’s ideal and hygienic to broom or vacuum such hard-to-reach areas regularly and mop at least once a week. If you do so, no dust particles can accumulate under your bed, insects, grime, or mould cannot nest there, and at the same time, you can skip frequent and strenuous deep cleaning tasks.  

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How To Clean Under Bed Carpet? 

Step 1: Remove Random Items from the Carpet  

Bring out all the boxes, small tools, and any other items from over the carpet. It’ll help to drag the carpet under the bed.  

Step 2: Remove the Carpet Beneath the Bed  

After removing all the items, gently drag the carpet and bring it out of the below-bed surface. If any residuals like toys, pieces of clothes, or papers are remaining, take those away too.  

Step 3: Vacuum the Carpet  

Now, start with your vacuum cleaner and operate it across the carpet. Based on the carpet pile and fibre, adjust the suction power so that the vacuum can perform optimal cleanup.  

Can you vacuum a wet carpet

Step 4: Take the Carpet Outside If Deep Cleaning Needed  

In case your carpet needs a deep cleaning or pressure washing, it’ll be wise to bring the carpet outside or to the rooftop. Apply cleaning solution on the carpet and wait for a while. You may need to wait for 15 minutes up to 24 hours to clean the carpet, depending on how strongly dirt is stuck on the carpet. After that, you can use a high-end vacuum cleaner or a pressure washer to deep clean the carpet.  

Step 5: Air Dry the Carpet after Deep Cleaning 

Keep the carpet in touch with moderate sun rays for drying as well as eliminating remaining particles.  

Note: Don’t place the carpet under direct sunlight for a longer period, as extremely heated sun rays may damage the texture and minimize the longevity of your carpet!   

What Can I Use To Vacuum Under My Bed?  

To clean under-bed areas, you can use a traditional vacuum with a low-profile design. If the vacuum cleaner can tackle wet and dry messes simultaneously, it’s better! You can also use a good-quality robot vacuum cleaner to avoid hunching over for a long time. Apart from that, let’s see some other alternatives that can vacuum under your bed:  

Broom: If you don’t have a compatible vacuum on hand, then you can use a broom to clean the floor surface under the bed. Stick like broom easily undergoes beneath your bed and cleans out the dust and grime. However, the broom cannot tackle damp or wet messes.  

Duster: A duster with a long handle can also get under the bed. Like the broom, a duster can remove dust and build up cobwebs. However, the remover cannot spot clean or mop.  

Blower: Air Blower is another alternative that can vacuum under your bed. When you set the air blow to one side of your bed and operate it with high speed, it blows all the dust out of the other side. Later, you can use a broom and a dust collector to collect the dust and dispose of it in the bin.  

Mop: After brooming or blowing, you may need to mop the surface to wipe out all the remaining particles. Unlike brooms or blowers, a mop is not recommended to clean loose dirt and debris directly since a mop cannot tackle fine dirt and can get damaged.  

Note: Any of these alternatives to vacuum can trigger your asthma or allergy since they don’t feature a sealed filtration system. So, if you’re prone to dust allergy or have breathing problems, use a mask and take necessary precautions while vacuuming manually.  

Final Words  

Vacuum cleaners are versatile since they can minimize your time and effort and, at the same time, bring back the lost shine of your living area and keep it healthy. A good quality vacuum cleaner can keep every corner, under beds, and other hard-to-reach areas of your home and business spic and span. However, like any other gear, you must maintain the use and care instructions of a vacuum cleaner to ensure effective cleaning of the under-the-bed areas.  

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